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Why Hair Transplant Surgery Shouldn’t Be Considered a Cosmetic Treatment

Hair transplants are on the rise around the world. A report published last year by Allied Market Research revealed that the global hair transplant market was worth nearly $5 billion in 2021. That figure is forecast to rise to $30 billion by 2030. Impressive, right? But that’s only half the story. Anecdotally, hair specialists will tell you that those getting treatment represent the tip of the iceberg and that there are many more people experiencing […]


Five Overhyped Haircare Practices You Can Do Without

In today’s world, where social media platforms abound, it’s common to find different types of content focused on beauty and cosmetics. You might think that since everybody is talking about certain products, or your favourite celebrity endorses a particular routine, then they must be good. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. While some products and haircare practices are undoubtedly phenomenal, others don’t live up to expectations. So, before jumping on the bandwagon, ask yourself whether […]


Thinking of Getting a Hair Transplant? Here’s What You Should Expect!

Here’s What You Should Expect! Having a hair transplant isn’t something you do on the spur of the moment. Although, it’s very common to hear people who have had hair transplant surgery say something to the effect that they’d been thinking of having it done for years before they eventually decided to take the plunge. There are many reasons for this kind of hesitancy. One of them is, undoubtedly, fear of the unknown. Unless you […]


The 6 Most Effective Postpartum Hair Loss Treatments

Knowing about postpartum hair loss treatments would be right for you if you’re looking forward to finally meeting your new baby as your due date approaches. But another there’s one thing you might not want to give up: Your thick, lustrous tresses during pregnancy. It’s not a figment of your imagination. According to specialists, this is a normal occurrence that you should not be concerned about. Pregnancy thickens the hair of the majority of women. […]


Is your postpartum hair loss normal?

In the majority of situations, postpartum hair loss is completely natural and nothing to be concerned about. On average, a person loses roughly 100 strands of hair per day. Even though these figures may appear alarming, they are quite typical. The postpartum period in women, on the other hand, is a cause for concern. The hair loss process that occurs after pregnancy is called telogen effluvium, and it can cause women to lose up to […]


Should You Switch To Natural And Organic Haircare

It’s not a difficult decision to stop using chemicals and shift to natural beauty products. By making the switch, you’ll be contributing positively to the environment while also benefiting your health. It doesn’t have to be a one-and-done transition; you can continue making minor adjustments to your new regime until you are comfortable with it. That’s because it can be overwhelming to change from products you’ve been using for years, though once you see all […]


Why Protein Treatment Works For Your Hair

Keratin is the protein that makes up over ninety per cent of your hair. If your hair lacks protein, therefore, it’s going to be in poor condition, regardless of what conditioner and shampoo you’re using. Your hair needs protein to remain healthy, strong and elastic. However, long-term exposure to natural elements like the wind, heat, sun and some chemicals causes the proteins in your locks to break down. Fortunately, your hair can recover from this […]